This year has continued to bring creative ideas and lots of product photography.
This project involving both lifestyle and product images required a lot of production and organization. Thanks to our crew: Catherine, Dale, Paula, Tiffany, Molly, Ben!
We used huge spreadsheets with product descriptions and file naming conventions along with check boxes to keep us on track with the shoot schedule, retouching, clipping paths, renaming files, and release of final files. Client and crew all knew where each image was in the system at any time. Our organizational boards also posted visual examples and verbal descriptions of all of the lifestyle and product shots needed. As a result, everyone got everything shot and retouched on time!
Our set builder Dale Frommelt, as always, did an outstanding job building our lifestyle sets. While the sets weren't that big, everything was painstakingly
sourced and assembled. Both sets had to have working water faucets and a way to catch the water when flowing. Add a water hose and a bucket
and, voilà, you have functional, "running" water.
Production boards kept everyone on track. |
Dale is always ready for anything. |
Beautiful light. |
The hose-bucket drain system worked great. |
You can do a lot on a small set. |
Since this project had a number of lifestyle shots using a hand model, we did a final check of our hand model's hands.
A few minor adjustments and everything looked good to go.
Model hand check. |
Nothing like natural light! |
Putting the perfect portion of toothpaste on your toothbrush is harder than you'd think. |
Getting the shot framed just right. |
How to wash your hands with style. |
If it don't show -- don't blow money on it!
Check out the chrome on this limited edition, handcrafted, David Morris towel rack.
Here we were only going to see the bottom of the towels so taping them to the wall worked like a charm.
Limited edition towel rack, "David Style." |
Not everything is what it seems when you look at the shot from a different direction. |
Since this project had a lot of product to shoot in a short time period, we needed more than one set going at the same time.
Consistency can be an issue if you're not careful. We shot using two sets exactly alike; same lights, soft boxes, cameras and lenses, backgrounds, etc.
Every variable we could eliminate we did. We were very pleased with how close we were able to match each set.
Two matching product sets. |
Sometimes you have to do crazy things to get packaging and contents to cooperate.
In this case, we cut through the back of the box to properly position
the product inside and get it to stay in place.
A fun shoot and great client!
At the end of the day when you hear the client say, "outstanding photos" and "better than we expected," we consider the project a success.
Here are some of the final lifestyle photo from the shoot.