Sometimes your life takes a turn and priorities changes. For the past 4 years I've had the privilege of taking care two heroes in my life. My mom and dad! In the last 5 months both have passed away. Both were awesome parents, public servants, and great motivators in my life. Don't feel sorry for me, the last 4 years were some of the best times I ever had with my parents. One of the thing I learned was what an awesome photographer my mom was. If you would like to see some of her work, click on this link to
my Facebook page.
All thought I have an awesome staff and we've been very busy shooting projects some priorities got changed. Posting to the blog, shooting new portfolio images, to name a few.
I'M BACK! I look forward to showing you some new work, behind the scenes images of what we do, why we do them and the fun we have doing them!
Keep in touch
David Morris